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WAGC Constitution


The name of the club shall be the Wyckoff Area Garden Club, Inc.


To encourage interest in all phases of home gardening and promote better horticultural practices, civic beauty and the conservation of natural resources.


a) The officers of the club shall be a President, Vice President,  Secretary, and Treasurer.

b) The Executive Committee shall consist of elected officers, chairmen of standing committees appointed by the President and the immediate past President.


a) The dues of this club are $35 annually, payable April 1.

b) Members whose dues are unpaid after June 1st will be dropped from membership.

c) New members accepted after January 1st will pay $15 for the remainder of the year.


a) Regular meetings shall be held monthly on the second Wednesday of each month unless otherwise stated.

b) Workshop meetings shall be held as scheduled and announced in the yearbook, website, and Facebook.

c) Special meetings may be called by the President.

d) Biennial meeting for the election of officers shall be held in May at which time all Committee Chairmen shall submit a written report.

e) One third (1/3) of the total membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.


Membership in WAGC is open to all regardless of gender, age, race, ethnicity or religious affiliation.

The qualification for membership shall be an active interest in gardening in any form. There are four classes of membership: Active, Sustaining, Associate and Honorary.

1) Active Membership: Each active member is encouraged to attend as many regular meetings as possible, to serve on at least one committee and to serve once as hostess during the year. Each active member is expected to participate in the WAGC fundraiser. The dues for an active member is $35 annually.

2) Sustaining Membership: Any active member of fifteen years who has dutifully fulfilled all membership requirements may apply for sustaining membership. The request must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and the Board will vote on each request individually. The dues of a sustaining member are $10 annually. All privileges of membership remain the same, with the exception that the sustaining member cannot vote. If a sustaining member desires reinstatement as an active member, she/he will have priority over those waiting to join.

3) Honorary Membership: The Executive Committee may vote to make a person an Honorary Member. Honorary Members have all privileges of full membership but do not pay dues.

4) Associate Membership: Any active or former active member who has/had been a member in good standing for five years but does not feel that she/ he is able to maintain active membership status may apply for associate membership. The request must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board. The Board will vote on each membership request individually. The dues for associate membership are $30 annually. Associate members are entitled to all privileges of full membership, but have no vote. No more than 1/10 of the membership may be considered associate members. If an associate member desires reinstatement as an active member, she/he shall have priority over those waiting to join.


This constitution may be amended at any meeting provided notice of intention to amend shall have been mailed to each member at least one week prior to such meeting.